$995.00 USD

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Auto Film Growth Conference 2023

Full access to Advanced TWO DAYS (Sunday & Monday OCT 29th & OCT 30th, 2023) Business Growth Event at Las Vegas, NV. (Value over $2000)

VERY IMPORTANT: If you are new to the Auto Film industry, you are welcome to join but you must know this workshop is highly recommended for business owners who want to grow and scale their business.


  • Learn advanced sales strategies and overcome sales objections (Value $1099)
  • How to structure your shop sales process. Sales Process Copy is included (Value $149)
  • How to handle sales conversions and overcome sales objections. Sale Scripts Copy is included (Value $149)
  • How to price your services and present them to customers like a pro. Services Pricing Menu is included (Value $149)
  • Advanced marketing strategies for scaling your PPF business (Value $499)
  • Business-oriented Q&A session (Priceless)
  • Instant Access to The Auto Film Mastery Private Facebook Community (Priceless)